6 Form PACE WORK 14/05/20
Тема: Екватор.
Нульовий меридіан
Read the words
and find suitable definition for them:
1. hemisphere
2. equator
3. longitude
4. latitude
5. prime meridian
6. degree
a) a measure of distance
b) distance from the equator
c) distance west or east
d) half of a sphere
e) a special latitude line
f) a special longitude line
Write on a sheet of chart paper the terms latitude and longitude. Let
students share what they know about the terms. Write down information that
students share.
Explain that the lines of latitude and longitude (see
sidebar for tricks to help students remember the difference) comprise an
imaginary grid that has been placed over the globe.
The lines that run across the grid - the flat lines -
are lines of latitude. The Equator is an example of a line of latitude. The
Equator is the latitude line that divides Earth into two hemispheres, the
northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. The Equator is the 0 point of
latitude. Latitude lines North of the Equator are referred to as North
latitude; latitude lines South of the Equator are referred to as South
The lines that run up and down on the grid - the tall
lines - are lines of longitude. The lines of longitude are also called
meridians. The Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England, is the
longitude line that divides Earth into two hemispheres, the eastern hemisphere
and the western hemisphere. The Prime Meridian is the 0 point of longitude.
Longitude lines East of the Prime Meridian are referred to as East longitude;
longitude lines West of the Prime Meridian are referred to as West longitude.
Help students further understand the concepts by
giving them some hands-on practice. First, determine the latitude and longitude
coordinates for your students city and state.
If you are not sure of the coordinates, you can use
this tool, the Latitude and Longitude Finder, to find your local coordinates.
Just type in your City, State.
Write the latitude and longitude of your location on a
board or chart. Help students use the Equator and Prime Meridian, and the lines
of latitude and longitude, to find the location that matches the coordinates
given. Students should land on their town!
Next, provide the following coordinates and have
students use a map to identify the location that is identified by each set of
coordinates: 48 degrees () North latitude, 2 degrees () East longitude (France);
19 degrees () North latitude, 154 degrees () West longitude (Hawaii); 40
degrees () North latitude, 116 degrees () East longitude (China); 12 degrees ()
South latitude, 77 degrees () West longitude (Peru); 33 degrees () South
latitude, 151 degrees () East longitude (Australia); 43 degrees () North
latitude, 79 degrees () West longitude (Canada); 20 degrees () South latitude,
50 degrees () East longitude (Madagascar).
4.2. Reading the text “We Learn About
Latitude and Longitude”
Directions: in order to study the earth, we
need to be able to locate specific points.

Cardinal Directions: North, East, West, South
Directions: Lie between the cardinal directions and help to indicate
direction more accurately. Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, Southeast.
The earth is an almost
perfect sphere. Geographers have
drawn imaginary lines around the spherical earth as a means of determining the
location of specific points upon its surface.
Imaginary lines that run east-west around the globe. It is the distance
north to south of the equator.
The Equator is 0 degrees latitude.
Degrees are units of measure. There are 180
degrees of latitude.
Minutes are smaller units of the measure of
degrees. There are 60 minutes in each degree. Seconds
are smaller units of the measure of minutes. There are 60 seconds in each minute.
Lines of latitude are also called parallels. They never cross.
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