Дистанційне навчання 5-Д PACE Work


 Tuesday, the thirteenth of September

Тема: Складені слова

Warming – up

T: Choose three animals and write three adjectives describing this animal. Put students in groups of 4 or 5, and have them read out their adjectives. But instead of saying the animal names, they must use the phrases “I think I am” + 3 adjectives, “My friends think I am” + 3 adjectives, “I am really” + 3 adjectives. Explain that the adjectives represent how you see yourself, how your friends see you, and how you really are. Use your example to model this before they begin. Example: “I think I am aggressive, strong, and fast. My friends think I am big, furry, and hungry. I am really shy, cute, and cuddly.”

Compound words are two little words that go together to make one big word.

Foot+ball                            pan+cake

Mail+man                           fire+place

Horse+back                        play+ground

Gold+fish                            with+out

Tad+pole                             grand+mother

Fill in the gaps:

1.     There is a pretty rain… in the sky.

2.     I love to have pan… for breakfast.

3.     Macy needs to buy a new tooth…

4.     My little sister spilled her milk on mom's new table…

5.     Jim's team won the foot … match.

6.     The maid is cleaning the bath …

Fill in the gaps:

pancake sunflower campfire

skateboard watermelon blueberry

1. This morning I ate one big _____________________.

2. In the garden, I see a tall _____________________.

3. My baby brother picked up the  round _____________________ and ate it.

4. Ben wears a helmet when he rides  his _____________________.

5. We like to sing songs around   the _____________________.

6. Mom cut the _____________________ into slices.

Remember some interesting compound words:

greenhouse (n.)


is a

structure especially used for

growing plants. It’s usually made of glass so that

the temperature and humidity can be




handmade (adj.)

How would you like some



pie? The adjective homemade means it was made by a person at home, not by a factory or by a big company. Similar to that is handmade, which describes something made by hand, not by a machine. We usually use homemade for food and handmade for objects.

jellybeans (n.)

This one’s pretty self-explanatory:

a type of candy that’s like a bean made out of jelly is a jelly



A killjoy

is a person who ruins other people’s fun or pleasure. If your office normally celebrates people’s birthday

parties, but then there’s a new manager who says you can’t have parties anymore, he’s a killjoy.

    zigzag (adj.) Something that is zigzag follows a path with sharp turns in alternating directions. This picture shows a zigzag road.

You worked very nice today, thank you for your work. Good bye! 

Monday,the twelfth of September

Тема: Додавання та віднімання

Numbers are everywhere. So, let’s revise a short poem

One, one, one

Little dogs run

Two, two, two

Cats see you.

One, two, three

You catch me.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1.Vocabulary practice

borrow” – позичати

carry”- позичати

subtract” – віднімати

“ multiply” – множити

add” – додавати

divide” – ділити

: Count methods of counting while you are listening.

Learning to Count: A Journey through History

By Brandi Waters                 

1     Numbers are everywhere. We use them to measure things. We use them to count things. We use them to put things in order. Numbers help us make sense of the world around us. Long, long ago, in the early history of man, written numbers did not exist. People counted things using their fingers and toes. This worked well for a small number of items. For larger quantities, it did not. People soon realized that they needed tools to help them count.

 2     Scientists think that a tally stick was the first tool made to help people count things. It was used in Africa. A tally stick was simply a piece of wood. A sharp object was used to create marks in the wood for each object to be counted. This may have allowed people to keep track of their things. It allowed them to keep a count of several items at one time. It also might have helped them count the passing of time through sunrises or by the phases of the moon.

 3     Later, people in western Asia began to use clay tokens as a tool for counting things. As time passed, civilizations became more advanced. Numbers were turned into symbols. People began to study numbers and how they could use them to understand the world. There was a need for better counting tools. Around the year 500 B.C., the counting board was created. A counting board was a wooden board. There were many lines on it. There were also grooves cut into the board. The grooves could be filled with sand or markers such as stones. The lines on the board represented numbers. The counting board was more complex than the tally stick. The lines on the counting board could keep track of numbers by tens, hundreds, and even thousands. The counting board was a very useful tool for merchants. It allowed them to keep track of their sales. It also helped them calculate prices. Best of all, the counting board could be moved from one place to another without problem.

Answer the questions, please

-        How many ways were there to count in ancient times?

-        How did people use clay boards to count?

-        Who used these boards?


You worked very nice today, and you get merits for your hard work. Friday, the ninth of September

Theme: Vowels

Today we are going to speak and practise using vowels.

Warming up:

How do you think should we improve our pronunciation? And why?

1.     It is very important to say correctly all sounds if you want people to understand you in a right way.

Listen to the tongue twister: 

Mrs Hunt had a country cut front in the front of her country cut petty coat.

Let’s say it together as faster as you can. (Competition: who is faster and correct).

2. Rules: When there is one vowel in a word, the vowel sound is short.

Vocabulary: just, dust, nut, cut, bud, buzz, bug, trunk, bump.

3. Read the words.

Match the words and definitions.

Just                                                         means exactly as it should be.

Bump                                                     very dry dirt

Bug                                                         dry seed which is good to eat.

Bud                                                        to use a sharp tool.

Trunk                                                      a tiny part of a tongue that helps us taste.

Buzz                                                       fly with a sound.

Dust                                                       an insect.

Cut                                                        an elephant’s nose.

Nut                                                       a raised place.
















6. Tongue twisters.

Mr Grey is waiting at the railway station for a train.

• On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser.

• Pail of ale aiding ailing Al's travails.

7. Rule: The first vowel is long; the second vowel makes no sound.

Vocabulary: cape, taste, tame, hate, snake, scale.

Sometimes y is called a vowel: lay, gray, spary.




















  Thursday, the eighth of September

Theme: Farming

Today we are going to speak about Farming and using tools.

Warming up:

Let’s recite the poem.

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes sir,

Three bags full;

One for the master,

And one for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

1.     So, if we are speaking about the farming, please, tell me some words that you know about this theme (example: field, cow, grain, wheat, grow…)

2.     Everybody should choose any word from the blackboard. We are going to write our common composition. The title is “Farming”. The first student say the first sentence with word that he has chosen, the second student tries to continue the story with other word.

3.     Brain-storm.










-        Can you give the definition for farming?

-        Try to explain what does farming mean?

- What do farms grow?

- What farms do you know in Ukraine? And other countries?


We will read the text about farming, tools and machines.

Pre-reading activities


Look at the blackboard. There are some words: bulletin, grain, harvest, herd, machine, plot, pollen, shear, sickle, silo, spade, straw.

Please, look at the pictures and try to explain the meaning.

Write these words into the vocabularies.

While reading activities.

Underline the vocabulary words in the text.

      Farming is the raising of plants and animals. Plants and animals on large farms are usually raised to sell. Many people around the world make their living by farming.

Farms may be large or small. If the soil is good, a farmer can harvest a large amount of crops from even a small plot of land. If the soil is not good, the farmer will only harvest a small amount from his plot of land. The amount he harvests depends on the soil.

A farmer who has good soil will usually harvest a larger crop than a farmer who does not have good soil. Good soil is better than poor soil. Every farmer can make his soil better by putting food into it. A farmer who puts food into his soil will grow more and stronger plants.

Farming is different all over the world. Farm life on a large sheep ranch in Australia is different from farm life on the rice farms of Asia. Farm life on the rice farms of Asia is different from farm life on a dairy farm in North America.  People who farm use the kinds of tools they have. Some farmers do not have enough tools or the right kinds of tools to farm a large plot of land. Other farmers have machines and can farm much land. Farmers with big machines and big farms can grow food for hundreds and hundreds of people.


Post-reading activities.

Draw a line under the best answer

1.     Farming is (different, on, same) all over the world.

2.     Farmers use the kinds of (pools, tools, schools) they have for farming.

3.     Some farmers do not have enough tools or the right kinds of tools to farm a large plot of (water, land, sand).

4.     Some farmers have machines and can farm (much, little, tiny) land.

5.     Some farmers can grow food for hundreds of (people, machines, kinds).


Thank you for the lesson. Today you have found a lot of information about farming, tools and machines. Hope you like it. You h/w is to learn new words.

You may be free. Good bye.

                  Wednesday,the seventh of September

Theme: Solar System

Jigsaw- reading:

Here you have mixed lines of a short poem. Let’s try to rebuild it.

The sun has visited the nest,

The bird is glad to see the guest.

The day is nice,

The day is warm.

And it’s so nice to eat a worm.

 Let’s talk about your associations with the word “ sun”. Let’s make a mind-map.






Introduction of the new words

Solar system – сонячна система

Depend on – залежати від

Possible – можливий

Centre – центр

Forget – забувати

Path – стежка, орбіта

Perfect – ідеальний, досконалий

Possible – можливий

Speed – швидкість

Understand – розуміти

While-reading activities:

Read the text about the Creator of  the Solar system and find information how do we know that we can always depend on God.

God made the sun, moon and stars. The sun, moon, and stars are called heavenly bodies. We would have no light without the sun, moon, and stars. God loves all people. God gives light to each person. God is always faithful.  The sun, moon and stars are called the Solar system. The sun is in the centre of the Solar system. Each planet has its own perfect path and moves with perfect speed.

After- reading activities:

Fill in blanks with these words:

Faithful     every     loves     light     bodies      God

____ made the sun, moon and stars

The sun, moon, and stars are called heavenly ____

We would have no ____ without the sun, moon, and stars.

God _____ all people.

Your hometask will be to learn new words by heart.

 Tuesday, the sixth of September

Тема: Складені слова

Warming – up

T: Choose three animals and write three adjectives describing this animal. Put students in groups of 4 or 5, and have them read out their adjectives. But instead of saying the animal names, they must use the phrases “I think I am” + 3 adjectives, “My friends think I am” + 3 adjectives, “I am really” + 3 adjectives. Explain that the adjectives represent how you see yourself, how your friends see you, and how you really are. Use your example to model this before they begin. Example: “I think I am aggressive, strong, and fast. My friends think I am big, furry, and hungry. I am really shy, cute, and cuddly.”

Compound words are two little words that go together to make one big word.

Foot+ball                            pan+cake

Mail+man                           fire+place

Horse+back                        play+ground

Gold+fish                            with+out

Tad+pole                             grand+mother

Fill in the gaps:

1.     There is a pretty rain… in the sky.

2.     I love to have pan… for breakfast.

3.     Macy needs to buy a new tooth…

4.     My little sister spilled her milk on mom's new table…

5.     Jim's team won the foot … match.

6.     The maid is cleaning the bath …

Fill in the gaps:

pancake sunflower campfire

skateboard watermelon blueberry

1. This morning I ate one big _____________________.

2. In the garden, I see a tall _____________________.

3. My baby brother picked up the  round _____________________ and ate it.

4. Ben wears a helmet when he rides  his _____________________.

5. We like to sing songs around   the _____________________.

6. Mom cut the _____________________ into slices.

Remember some interesting compound words:

greenhouse (n.)

A greenhouse

is a

structure especially used for

growing plants. It’s usually made of glass so that

the temperature and humidity can be




handmade (adj.)

How would you like some



pie? The adjective homemade means it was made by a person at home, not by a factory or by a big company. Similar to that is handmade, which describes something made by hand, not by a machine. We usually use homemade for food and handmade for objects.

jellybeans (n.)

This one’s pretty self-explanatory:

a type of candy that’s like a bean made out of jelly is a jelly



A killjoy

is a person who ruins other people’s fun or pleasure. If your office normally celebrates people’s birthday

parties, but then there’s a new manager who says you can’t have parties anymore, he’s a killjoy.

    zigzag (adj.) Something that is zigzag follows a path with sharp turns in alternating directions. This picture shows a zigzag road.

You worked very nice today, thank you for your work. Good bye! 

Monday,the fifth of September

Тема: Додавання та віднімання

Numbers are everywhere. So, let’s revise a short poem

One, one, one

Little dogs run

Two, two, two

Cats see you.

One, two, three

You catch me.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1.Vocabulary practice

borrow” – позичати

carry”- позичати

subtract” – віднімати

multiply” – множити

add” – додавати

divide” – ділити

: Count methods of counting while you are listening.

Learning to Count: A Journey through History

By Brandi Waters                 

1     Numbers are everywhere. We use them to measure things. We use them to count things. We use them to put things in order. Numbers help us make sense of the world around us. Long, long ago, in the early history of man, written numbers did not exist. People counted things using their fingers and toes. This worked well for a small number of items. For larger quantities, it did not. People soon realized that they needed tools to help them count.

 2     Scientists think that a tally stick was the first tool made to help people count things. It was used in Africa. A tally stick was simply a piece of wood. A sharp object was used to create marks in the wood for each object to be counted. This may have allowed people to keep track of their things. It allowed them to keep a count of several items at one time. It also might have helped them count the passing of time through sunrises or by the phases of the moon.

 3     Later, people in western Asia began to use clay tokens as a tool for counting things. As time passed, civilizations became more advanced. Numbers were turned into symbols. People began to study numbers and how they could use them to understand the world. There was a need for better counting tools. Around the year 500 B.C., the counting board was created. A counting board was a wooden board. There were many lines on it. There were also grooves cut into the board. The grooves could be filled with sand or markers such as stones. The lines on the board represented numbers. The counting board was more complex than the tally stick. The lines on the counting board could keep track of numbers by tens, hundreds, and even thousands. The counting board was a very useful tool for merchants. It allowed them to keep track of their sales. It also helped them calculate prices. Best of all, the counting board could be moved from one place to another without problem.

Answer the questions, please

-        How many ways were there to count in ancient times?

-        How did people use clay boards to count?

-        Who used these boards?


You worked very nice today, and you get merits for your hard work.Wednesday, the ninth of February

Theme : Insects

Время: 9 февр. 2022 09:00 AM Киев

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Tuesday, the eighth of February

Theme: Present Simple

Время: 8 февр. 2022 09:00 AM Киев

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Monday, the seventh of February

Theme: Theme: Numbers from 100 to 300

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Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Моя конференция

Время: 8 февр. 2022 10:00 AM Киев

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Идентификатор конференции: 734 9038 3369

Код доступа: jEuQ4h

Friday, the fourth of February

Theme: Plurals of Nouns.

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Моя конференция

Время: 4 февр. 2022 09:00 AM Киев

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Thursday, the third of February

Theme: Планета Земля
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Lesson 1
Lesson 2

lesson 3

Read the story about the Earth. 

 We live on the Earth. Our world is very beautiful. We have the Heaven and the Earth. There are many stars, one moon and one sun in the sky. We have day and night. The sun shines during the day. The sun gives light and keep the Earth warm. The moon and stars shine at night. The sun shines on the moon. It shines to make light at night. The far away stars shine like the sun. We should take care about our Earth!

Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

The sun gives … (light, night, might)

The sun keeps the Earth … (warm, swarm, cold)

The … (fun, sun, run) shines on the moon.

Our world is very … (good, beautiful, terrible)

Wednesday, the second of February.

Theme: Highlands

Lesson 1

Time: ср, 2 февраля 2022 г., 09:00 Europe/Kiev

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We are going to learn about hills and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

 Lesson 2

   Please click this URL to start or join. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74117715803?pwd=s8qQggSz1_-2sKdVYLTU7MbfwYLxZ7.1

Lesson 3

Let’s review [w].

Read the words: well, want, whip, why. Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.


Learn new words:


hill, mountain, land, lowland, between, above, deep.


While-reading activities:


Hill is an area of land that is higher than the surrounding land. Lowland is an area of land that is low in relation to the surrounding country. Hills are higher than lowlands. Lowlands are between the mountains. Lowland is a flat land that is at, or not much higher than sea level. There are hills in our country. There are lowlands in our country too.


Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

Hill is an area of land that is higher than the surrounding … (land, home, school).

(Hill, Lowland, Mountain) ... is an area of land that is low in relation to the surrounding country.

Hills are … (higher, bigger, better) than lowlands.

Lowland is a … (high, flat, low) land.

There are (hills, cars, lamps) in our country.


T: Where do you see hills and lowlands? P: I see hills in Carpathian mountains.



 Friday, the twenty-third of April.

Тема: Words with sl

We are going to learn about combination sl in the words and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

 Фонетична зарядка

Sound  [f].

Read the words: friend, fire, fly, fleas, food. Friendly Fleas and Fire Flies.

 Read the words with sl.

slap, slant, slash, slat, sleeper, sleep, sledge, slow, slump.

The combination sl looks like as [сл] in Ukrainian. But [l] is so soft than our [л].

Choose the word with combination sl and read it correctly: smart, smash, slowcoach, slow, sloven, slump, small, smoke, sleek, sledge.Thursday, the twenty-second of April.

Friday, the seventh of May.

Theme: Text

Lesson 1

Read : drop, dew, does, dwell, door. How much dew does a dewdrop drop If dewdrops do drop dew? They do drop, they do As do dewdrops drop If dewdrops do drop dew.


Text is a piece of writing that is connected with learning or intended for study OR the text of something is the exact words of a speech or article. And today we are going to read the text with sound that we have learned.

This is YOYO. He’s from Mexico but he lives in the U.S.A. He is an actor in a circus. YOYO is 33 years old. He works for THE WORLD CIRCUS. He doesn’t study but he works very much. YOYO can sing, juggle, and dance but he cannot play any instruments. He loves the circus and he works every day from 4:40pm to 22:00pm every evening. Before this he has fruit juice and bread for dinner and prepares his show. YOYO is a very good actor. He speaks Spanish, Portuguese, and English. YOYO lives in the circus. He lives in a circus van with other actors. His van number is 33 and he sleeps on the 1st bed. YOYO loves Mexican food but he doesn’t like American fast food. He loves sweets and chocolate. He doesn’t smoke.

Lesson 2

Now, every pupil gets a card with words and you should describe the person on their sheets of paper using the information given. 



Describe the person using the information given.

Name: Mark Spencer

Age: 43


Phone number: 00 334 379 561

Marital status: single

Occupation: Civil Servant

Languages: Italian, French, English

Learn English: Job, Travel, Translate


Favourite food: Pizza, bread

Car: Mercedez Benz

Music: Classical music, Romantic

Abilities: Play the piano, juggle, cook





Lesson 3





Describe the person using the information given.

Name: Luana Snake

Age: 17

Country: India

Phone number: 00 334 379 561

Marital status: single

Occupation: actress

Languages: Hindi, French, English

Learn English: Job, Travel

Sports: Volley

Favourite food: Fruit, bread

Car: (no car – a bicycle)

Music: Classical music, New Age

Abilities: Sing, dance, juggle, cook




The lesson is over you may enjoy your break!









 Thursday, the sixth of May.

Theme: Kindness

Lesson 1

Фонетична зарядка

Read the words: pack, pesky, pixies, pen, puppy. A pack of pesky pixies.

 Learn new words:kind, kindness, trait, character, person, good things.

 Read the text:

While-reading activities:

 Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.

Kind people are the ones that come into your life and make you see the sun where you saw clouds. The people that believe in you so much that you start to believe in you too simply for being you too. They are once in a life time kind of people. Kind people are the ones who will always correct you when you are wrong or see you going to mess and tell how it should be done, they are always their to give you a shoulder to lean when you need one, giving you encouragements that keep you going on despite the hard life you are going through , you just feel like everything is ok. They are the one who will always be with you in sickness and in health.

Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

Kindness is the quality of being … (cruel, friendly, sad).

Kind people … (hope, believe, talk) in you.

Kind people are the ones who will always correct you when you are … (wrong, glad, happy).

They are the one who will … (always, sometimes, seldom)  be with you in sickness and in health.



Do exercises in your PACEs.


Wednesday, the fifth of May.

Theme: Highlands

Lesson 1

We are going to learn about hills and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!


Let’s review [w].

Read the words: well, want, whip, why. Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.


Learn new words:


hill, mountain, land, lowland, between, above, deep.


While-reading activities:


Hill is an area of land that is higher than the surrounding land. Lowland is an area of land that is low in relation to the surrounding country. Hills are higher than lowlands. Lowlands are between the mountains. Lowland is a flat land that is at, or not much higher than sea level. There are hills in our country. There are lowlands in our country too.


Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

Hill is an area of land that is higher than the surrounding … (land, home, school).

(Hill, Lowland, Mountain) ... is an area of land that is low in relation to the surrounding country.

Hills are … (higher, bigger, better) than lowlands.

Lowland is a … (high, flat, low) land.

There are (hills, cars, lamps) in our country.


T: Where do you see hills and lowlands? P: I see hills in Carpathian mountains.


Lessons 2 and 3 – PACE exercices                                                                                                                  

 Friday, the twenty-third of April.

Тема: Words with sl

We are going to learn about combination sl in the words and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

 Фонетична зарядка

Sound  [f].

Read the words: friend, fire, fly, fleas, food. Friendly Fleas and Fire Flies.

 Read the words with sl.

slap, slant, slash, slat, sleeper, sleep, sledge, slow, slump.

The combination sl looks like as [сл] in Ukrainian. But [l] is so soft than our [л].

Choose the word with combination sl and read it correctly: smart, smash, slowcoach, slow, sloven, slump, small, smoke, sleek, sledge.Thursday, the twenty-second of April.

Theme:  Character

We are going to learn about traits of character and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

Фонетична зарядка


Let’s review sound  [p].

Read:pack, pesky, pixies, pen, puppy. A pack of pesky pixies.


Learn new words:

traits of character, kind, honest, positive, negative, ambitious, foolish, evil, funny.



While-reading activities:


T: Sometimes people look nice and kind but when you get them to know better and closer you find out that you are mistaken about them and their character is not so nice. Some people just pretend to be good. There are negative traits of character and positive traits of character. Positive traits of character are: brave, brainy, diligent, funny, energetic, honest, kind, loving, optimistic. Negative traits of character are: harsh, gloomy, lazy, bossy, boorish, afraid, selfish, wicked. We like people with positive traits of character because they present warm and quiet.


Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

There are … ( bad, negative, funny) traits of character and positive traits of character.

Some people just pretend to be … (good, bad, foolish).

Positive trait of character is… (selfish, brave, harsh).

Negative trait of character is… (harsh, energetic, kind).


T: And now, answer my questions:

What traits of character do you have?

What is better, positive traits of character or negative traits of character?

What traits of character has your friend\mother\father\sister?Wednesday, the twenty-first of April.

Theme:  Highland

 Фонетична зарядка

Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

 Let’s review sound [w].

Read the words: well, want, whip, why. Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.

Learn the words:

hill, mountain, land, lowland, between, above, deep.


While-reading activities:


Hill is an area of land that is higher than the surrounding land. Lowland is an area of land that is low in relation to the surrounding country. Hills are higher than lowlands. Lowlands are between the mountains. Lowland is a flat land that is at, or not much higher than sea level. There are hills in our country. There are lowlands in our country too.


Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

Hill is an area of land that is higher than the surrounding … (land, home, school).

(Hill, Lowland, Mountain) ... is an area of land that is low in relation to the surrounding country.

Hills are … (higher, bigger, better) than lowlands.

Lowland is a … (high, flat, low) land.

There are (hills, cars, lamps) in our country.


Tuesday, the twentieth of April.

Theme:  Sentence

 At this lesson we are going to learn about the sentence in the English language. 

Фонетична зарядка

Sound [l].

Read:Liza, laugh.

Lisa laughed listlessly.


A sentence must name a person or a thing.

A sentence must tell what the person or thing is or does

Ex: Kate is running to the park.

·         Capitalization and Punctuation

Every sentence must begin with a capital letter.

A telling sentence ends with a period.

An asking sentence ends with a question mark.

A sentence that shows strong emotions ends in an exclamation point.

Let's practise. Look at the sentences and correct mistakes.

1. she goes to school every day.

2. my mother is a doctor?

3. they like swimmimg.

4. boby is my friend?

5. Do you go to school!

6. Is she a teacher.


The song “Five Little Hearts”

T: Let's learn a new song. It is called “Five Little Hearts”

Five little hearts

All in a row

The first one says “I love you so!”

The second one says “Will you be my valentine?”

The third one says “I will if you'll be mine!”

The fourth one says “I'll always be your friend”

The fifth one says “We'll all be friends until the end!”



Monday, the nineteenth of April.

Theme:  Place values

The theme is called Place values”. We are going to solve some word problems and do some tasks and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!



Фонетична зарядка

Read: nine, nimble, nut. Now, read the tongue twister.

Nine nimble noblemen nibbled nuts.



Children, look at the picture. You know that there are ones, tens, hundreds. These are called collectively PLACE VALUES. Repeat after me, please: place value, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, millions.





 Let's practise a little. Name the place values


1. 932

6. 789

2. 567

7. 1234

3. 1283

8. 3456

4. 1734

9. 546

5. 456

10. 761


Now, let's solve word problems.

1. A shopkeeper bought 240 eggs and sold 148 eggs. How many eggs were left unsold?

2. An animal care society tested 356 pet animals. 127 were infected by diseases. Find the number of healthy pet animals that participated in the medical tests.

3. In an annual celebration, 674 students participated. Of them, 392 were boys. Find the number of girls who participated.

4. Director James directed a film which ran for 248 minutes. During the editing process, 109 minutes were removed. What is the final running time of the film, after editing?

5. Mark has a book which contains 649 pages. He has already read 495 pages. How many pages are unread? 

Friday, the sixteenth of April.

Theme:  Words with lp


The topic of our lesson is called: The letters lp in the words. We are going to learn how to read the words with the letters lp and you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!


It's time for a tongue twister!Read the words: blake, baker, black.

Blake the baker bakes black bread.


Read the words : help, gulp,sculpt, dolphin, alphabet

Now, every pupil gets a card with the words and you should circle only words with letters lp.

Variant 1

Variant 2

Ball, pulp, lemon, sculpt, dolphin

Alphabet, till, gulp, hill, help


Do exercices in your WordBuilding PACE.

Thursday, the fifteenth of April.

Theme:  Books

 The topic of our lesson is called “Books”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about books and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

Read: flat, flounder.

Try fat flat flounders.




Learn the words: adventure, fairy tale, space, underwater life, toss, throw, make dog-ears, character, take care of.


Now, I want you to read the story about books. Be very attentive because you will do some tasks after reading the story.

Books Are Our Friends

  All over the world people love reading. When you read a story or a fairy tale, you always become a part of adventure. You can visit a far away country, travel into space and learn the secrets of underwater life. You can travel in the past with the main characters of history novels. You can have fun with people who live in comic books. Books are our friends. They teach you about the surrounding world. They teach you how to make friends. Books are good helpers. So, help books too. Don't take books if you have dirty hands. Keep books in dry, safe place. Do not toss or throw them. Don't tear pages or make dog-ears. Take care of books.

  Post Reading

T: Now, put the right word in the gaps:

1. All over the world people love …..

2. When you read a story or a …..., you always become a part of adventure.

3.You can visit a far away country, travel into..... and learn the secrets of..... life.

4. You can travel in the past with the main …..of history novels.

- What do books teach us?

- How can we help books?Wednesday, the fourteenth of April.

 Theme:  Trees

 The topic of our lesson is called “Trees”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about trees and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

Review [f] sound.

Read: four, furious, friends, fought, phone.


Four furious friends fought for the phone.


T: Get ready to read the story about trees. Be very attentive because I will ask questions!



 Trees are an important part of our daily lives. Trees make our environment beautiful with their different colours, flowers and shapes and they provide us with shade and relief from the sun's heat and harmful rays. Trees are very important to us! Like many plants, a tree begins from a seed. All trees have roots, which extend into the soil and have two important jobs to do: they anchor the tree to the ground so that it can stand upright, and they absorb water, minerals and nutrients from the soil. The trunk of a tree supports the branches and transports water and minerals from the soil to the rest of the tree. Branches grow out from the trunk and have twigs at the tips. These twigs are the growing ends of the trees. They also transport water and minerals from the trunk to the leaves and needles. Trees can be of many types and kinds. In the USA there are many redwood trees. They are very old and tall. They are very huge.


T: Excellent job! Now, put the right word in the gap:

1.Trees are an important part of our daily.....

2.Trees make our environment beautiful with their different colours, flowers and shapes and they provide us with …. and relief from the sun's heat and …...

3. Like many plants, a tree begins from a …...

4.All trees have …..

5.Branches grow out from the …... and have …... at the tips.

-What are the parts of a tree?

- What trees are there in the USA?


Tuesday, the thirteenth of April.

Theme: Period. Question Mark. Exclamation Point.

 Lesson 1.

 We are going to learn about punctuation and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

 What day is it today?/ What is the weather like today? /Do you like such weather?

What season is it? What can you do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?

 Read: can, cup, canner, carpet, cat. Learn the tongue twister : Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

 End Punctuation is the most common punctuation in the English language. You must use end punctuation at the end of every sentence to avoid confusion. 

The three most common ways to end a sentence are

End punctuation tells the reader where each sentence ends. It also helps the reader understand the writer's emotions about the subject. For example, an exclamation mark ( ! ) tells the reader that I am excited or yelling.

Here is a paragraph without end punctuation:

Do you like to sing My mom and I sing in a choir that meets every Tuesday Last week we sang Christmas carols at a nursing home The residents of the nursing home enjoyed our visit It was fun Would you like to join us next Tuesday

You can see that it is very difficult to read and make sense of the paragraph. Every sentence runs straight into the next sentence. 


Lesson 2.

Here is the same paragraph with end punctuation:

Do you like to sing? My mom and I sing in a choir that meets every Tuesday. Last week, we sang Christmas carols at a nursing home. The residents of the nursing home enjoyed our visit! It was fun! Would you like to join us next Tuesday?

Now, you can see questions, statements, and exclamations in the paragraph. You can see that the writer is excited about singing and enjoyed singing for the residents of the nursing home. The writer also asks if you like singing and would like to join their choir.


Incorrect uses of end punctuation

Using the wrong end punctuation can cause confusion for the reader.

Consider these three sentences:

1. Richard wants to marry Rose.
2. Richard wants to marry Rose!
3. Richard wants to marry Rose?

The words of each sentence are the same, but the end punctuation greatly changes the meaning:

1. Richard wants to marry Rose.

By using a period, the writer is simply stating a fact. The writer does not show any feelings about the situation.

man proposing to girlfriend2. Richard wants to marry Rose!

With an exclamation mark, the writer shows emotion about the situation. The writer is probablyexcited.

3. Richard wants to marry Rose?

By using a question mark, the writer has turned the sentence into a question. The writer seems surprised and is asking for clarification.



You should put punctuation marks in these sentences.

Do you go to school every day

I speak English very well

Open the door

Read this article

Has you a best friend

We do this exercise every day







Monday, the twelfth of April.

Theme: Line Segments


We are going to learn about line segment and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get start

Read:  fat, free, fruit, float. A fat-free fruit float.



Look at the pictures of line segment. The line segment is a part of a line that is bounded by two distinct end points, and contains every point on the line between its end points


 And now you should measure the line segment. Choose a card with the task.

Lesson 3

Do exercises in your PACEs

Friday, the second of April.

Theme: Words with llThe topic of our lesson is called: The letters ll in the words. We are going to learn how to read the words with the letters ll and you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

 Repeat the words after me: ball, wall, small, call, really, hill, till, fall, ill.

 Виконання вправ

Now, every pupil gets a card with the words and you should circle only words with letters ll.

Variant 1

Variant 2

Ball, call, lemon, lime, small

Bill, till, steal, hill, wheel


Thursday, the first of April.

Theme: School

 The topic of our lesson is called “Schools”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about schools and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

Lesson 1.

Фонетична зарядка

T: Children, look at the card. What sound is it?

P1: It is [s].

T: You are right! Now, name as many words with this sound as you can. Let's do it one by one.

T: It's time for a tongue twister!Repeat the words after me: sea, sell, seashells. Now, repeat the tongue twister all together/ one by one.

She sells seashells by the seashore.



Learn new words:

rules правила

responsible відповідальний

disturb турбувати,порушувати дисципліну

 fight битися

dress code дрескод


Lesson 2


Children, do you have rules at school?



Now, I want you to read the story about schools. Be very attentive because you will do some tasks after reading the story.


  Schools are made for people to teach them. At schools children have different subjects. At schools they learn how to read, write, count and do many other useful things. At every schools there are some rules. Students should be responsible. They should not break the rules. The rules are made to keep children safe. Students must not run or fight. They must not disturb their neighbors at the lessons. They must mind their dress code. Students must be very attentive at the lessons. They must do what teachers ask them to do. It is important for students to be responsible.

  Post Reading

T: Now, put the right word in the gaps:

1. Schools are made for people to ….them.

2. At schools children have different …...

3. At schools they learn how to …., write, …. and do many other useful things.

4. At every schools there are some …..

5. Students should be …..

- What do students study at school?

- What rules are there at schools?


Wednesday, the thirty-first of March.

Theme: Seaweeds

 The topic of our lesson is called “The Seaweed”. We are going to learn new words, to read the story about the seaweeds and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

 Learn the words: seaweeds

 Saltwater- солона вода






The seaweeds

 There are more than 10,000 varieties of seaweeds. They grow in the world's saltwater environments. They include three main types: green, brown and red. Green seaweeds prefer shallow water and warm, tropical climates, blue-green live only in salt water, as do brown and red seaweeds. Brown seaweeds are much bigger than the green variety and live at greater depths, while red seaweeds can grow in cold water that is either shallow or deep. All seaweeds need sunlight to survive, so they tend to grow only at the edges of the oceans.


T: Excellent job! Now, put the right word in the gap:

1.There are more than 10,000 varieties of ….

2.They grow in the world's …...environments.

3.Green seaweeds prefer …..water and warm, ….climates.

4.Blue-green live only in …. water.

5.All seaweeds need ….. to survive.

-What types of seaweeds are there?

-Where do they live?


Tuesday, the thirtieth of March.


Do the following exercices:

Monday, the twenty-ninth of March.

Тема: Кількісні числівники Cardinal Numbers

T: The theme is called “Cardinal numbers”. We are going to solve some word problems and do some tasks and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!



T: Look at the card, please. What sound is it?

P1: It is [æ].

T: You are right! Now, name as many words with this sound as you can. Let's do it one by one.

T: It's time for a tongue twister!Repeat the words after me: black, bat, back. Now, repeat the tongue twister all together/ one by one.


Black back bat


T:  Children, the numbers can be cardinal and ordinal. Today we should learn how to write cardinal numbers.




T: You will get a card with cardinal numbers and you should write the words.

11, 30, 50, 17

7, 16, 90, 40

10, 100, 15, 8

70, 80, 13, 4


T: Now, let's solve word problems.

1. Kate had forty stamps. She presented Tim with fourteen and Jess with twelve. How many stamps does Kate have?

2. There were seventy animals in the zoo. In spring they gave birth to fourteen more. How many animals are there in the zoo?

3. There were two hundred books in school library. Children took twenty. How many books are there in the library? 

Friday, the twenty-second of January.

Theme: Words with -sh

Today we are going to learn about a diagraph /sh/ and learn some words with diagraph /sh/. We are going to do some tasks to improve your knowledge.

Watch the video and repeat after the speaker:


 The sound for the digraph “sh” may be spelled ”sh”, “ti” or “ch”:

sh = share

ti = devotion

ch = machine

Let’s match the spelling word with its pronunciation guide (card #1).

1. scratch                     a. [′sʌnʃaɪn]

2. machine                   b. [′pɒlɪʃ]

3. station                      c. [′nætʃ(ə)r(ə)l]

4. hatchery                   d. [skrætʃ]

5. sunshine                   e. [mə′ʃi:n]

6. polish                       f. [′steɪʃ(ə)n]

7. natural                      g. [′hætʃ(ə)rɪ]


Thursday, the twenty-first of January.

Theme: We Travel

Read the text and fill in the words


Wednesday, the twentieth of January.

Theme: The Sun

 Read and translate


Tuesday, the nineteenth of January

Theme: Слова з диграфом -ng

Watch the video and repeat after the speaker:


Write sentences adding -ing to verbs. Writre them in your copybooks

  • She is good at (dance) .
  • He is crazy about (sing) .
  • I don't like (play) cards.
  • They are afraid of (swim) in the sea.
  • You should give up (smoke) .

PACE Work 3 D


Monday, the eighteenth of January

Theme: Square

Lesson 1.

Идентификатор конференции: 746 3277 0462
Код доступа: xZs6ux

Lesson 2.

Время: 18 янв. 2021 12:45 PM Киев

Идентификатор конференции: 739 5019 3750
Код доступа: 75f8aG

Lesson 3.

A Square is a flat shape with 4 equal sides and every angle is a right angle (90°).

                   Area of a Square

A description...


The Area is the side length squared:

Area = a2 = a × a


                   Perimeter of a Square

The Perimeter is the distance around the edge.

A description...


The Perimeter is 4 times the side length:

Perimeter = 4a




Friday, the fifteenth of January.

Theme: Adding –s to Nouns.


Время: 15 янв. 2021 12:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 789 2814 9930
Код доступа: vDX9gy

Lesson 2

Время: 15 янв. 2021 12:45 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 729 6144 4962
Код доступа: K7ZL4g

Lesson 3 

Do the following exercices:




Thursday, the fourteenth of January.

Theme: The Blue Sky

Lesson 1.

Время: 14 янв. 2021 12:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 765 9805 9352

Код доступа: BG61hh

Lesson 2.

Время: 14 янв. 2021 12:45 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 724 5997 3998

Код доступа: 59iaup

Lesson 3.

Read the text, translate and answer the questions.


Theme: Plants.


Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 13 янв. 2021 12:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 748 9520 6169

Код доступа: ym2168

Lesson 2

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 13 янв. 2021 12:45 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 723 8232 5831

Код доступа: 2f0k3V

Lesson 3.

Watch the video


Theme: Звук u в словах.

Lesson 1.

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 12 янв. 2021 12:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 774 5069 1026

Код доступа: E51Qpy

Lesson 2

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 12 янв. 2021 12:45 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom

Идентификатор конференции: 710 5271 7146

Код доступа: 043zqR

Lesson 3

Watch the video


Theme: Rectangle

Lesson 1.

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: 3D Pace Work

Время: 11 янв. 2021 12:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 760 2306 7097

Код доступа: 39zhDx

Lesson 2 

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: 3D Pace Work

Время: 11 янв. 2021 12:45 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 723 9401 2707

Код доступа: rJ0gf8

Lesson 3.

At this lesson we are going to learn about rectangle. We are going to learn new words and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!

You can see the rectangles. A rectangle is a four-sided flat shape where every angle is a right angle(90°).

Area of a Rectangle

A description...


The Area is the width times the height:

Area = w × h

Perimeter of a Rectangle

The Perimeter is the distance around the edges.

A description...


The Perimeter is 2 times the (width + height):

Perimeter = 2(w+h)


Theme: Friends are True.

Lesson 1.

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич Время: 24 дек. 2020 01:00 PM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75945956968?pwd=a1JqblBQM2hvUEtIcHJ1NDYxdGNXdz09 Идентификатор конференции: 759 4595 6968 Код доступа: DbV5zH

Lesson 2.

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич Время: 24 дек. 2020 02:00 PM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74876985499?pwd=amx2cVpiNXNTdE1IaVJSdnoyNWRoUT09 Идентификатор конференции: 748 7698 5499 Код доступа: 0Dr3tG

Lesson 3.

Read the text in Pace 13. Social Studies.


Theme: In the City

Lesson 1

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич Время: 23 дек. 2020 01:00 PM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73808569053?pwd=S0wrRFRMbGkwTkJZSVg0QkcrMGx2dz09 Идентификатор конференции: 738 0856 9053 Код доступа: 67CsvG

Lesson 2 

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич Время: 23 дек. 2020 02:00 PM Киев Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74966985280?pwd=Zjh2bml6dHM5WHMwa2NPOXMzNG5aZz09 Идентификатор конференции: 749 6698 5280 Код доступа: 13fYkh

Lesson 3

I live in a town. I have a home in my town. I live with my family. I live with my mother and father. My town is small. But there are many cities in the country. I with my family go to another town or city on our weekends. There are many buildings, shops, factories there. But I like to live in the town. Here is not very noisy and I can go to another place by my bike. I like my town very much.

Post reading activities:


T: Put the right word on the blank:

 I live in a … (town, city, shop)

 I live with my … (friends, family, schoolmates)


Theme: There is There are

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 22 дек. 2020 01:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 736 8336 3316

Код доступа: Us9uKE

Lesson 2

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 22 дек. 2020 02:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 770 9376 8271

Код доступа: Zc89Kx



Theme: Money in the USA

Lesson 1 

Follow the link and join the Zoom conference:

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 21 дек. 2020 01:00 PM Киев

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 759 1193 2166

Код доступа: WLfqz0

Lesson 2.

Follow the link and join the Zoom conference:

Елена Андалюкевич приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

Тема: Конференция Zoom Елена Андалюкевич

Время: 21 дек. 2020 02:00 PM Киев

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Leson 3.

Read :

Penny is one cent.

Nickel is five cents.

Dime is ten cents.

Quarter is twenty-five cents.

Do ex. in your Maths PACEs and send them to my email andalyuklevich5@gmail.com


Theme: Possessive Case.


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Время: 11 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 11 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Theme: People are Different.
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Время: 10 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 10 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Код доступа: QxM5T7  


There are many people in the world. There are red, brown, and yellow people. They do not live in the same kind of houses. There are: ice, snow, or tree houses in the earth. There are many people and many houses in the world. And that`s why there are many races in the earth. We should be friendly and kind to each other.

 Post reading activities:

Put the right word on the blank:

 There are many people and many … (books, yards, houses) in the world.

There are ice, snow and … (tree, big, good) houses in the world.

We should be … (glad, sad, friendly) to each other.

Why are there many races in the Earth?


Theme: Планета Земля
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Время: 9 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 9 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Код доступа: QxM5T7  

Read the story about the Earth. 

 We live on the Earth. Our world is very beautiful. We have the Heaven and the Earth. There are many stars, one moon and one sun in the sky. We have day and night. The sun shines during the day. The sun gives light and keep the Earth warm. The moon and stars shine at night. The sun shines on the moon. It shines to make light at night. The far away stars shine like the sun. We should take care about our Earth!

Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

The sun gives … (light, night, might)

The sun keeps the Earth … (warm, swarm, cold)

The … (fun, sun, run) shines on the moon.

Our world is very … (good, beautiful, terrible)


Theme: Знайомство з двомовним словником
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Время: 8 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 8 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Theme: Numbers from 1 to 100
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Время: 7 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 7 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Theme: Word Formation
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Время: 4 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 4 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Word building means making words. English words are made by adding different suffixes to them.

For example:

a cat – cats

go – going

paint - painted


Theme: Neighbourhood
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Время: 3 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 3 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Идентификатор конференции: 772 9565 7952
Код доступа: QxM5T7

Learn the words:a person, people, community, nationality, neighbourhood. Now, look at the pictures and answer my questions:

- Is it a person/community?

: It is community/neighbourhood.


Theme: Створення світу (міфологія)
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Время: 2 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев

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Время: 2 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев

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Идентификатор конференции: 772 9565 7952
Код доступа: QxM5T7

There are Heaven and the earth in the world. There are sun, moon, stars on the earth. There are day and night on the earth. The sun shines during the day. The sun gives light and keeps the earth warm. The moon and stars shine at night. The sun shined on the moon. It shines to make light at night. The far away stars shine like the sun.


Post-reading activities:

T: Put the right word on the blank:

The sun gives … (night, light, might)

The sun keeps the earth … (warm, swarm, cold)

The … (fun, sun, run) shines on the moon.

The stars shine like the … (sun, run, fun)

   Theme: Знайомство зі словником.

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Время: 1 дек. 2020 13:00 AM Киев
Идентификатор конференции: 755 3432 2237
Код доступа: 18Wa7t

Время: 1 дек. 2020 14:00 AM Киев
Идентификатор конференции: 755 3432 2237
Код доступа: 18Wa7t

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  Dear students!  We begin new school year 2022-2023! I wish everybody master new skills and get knowledge! And pray for our victory!