Позакласна робота

Майстер Шеф

Шоу програма


Активізувати і розширити знання учнів про різні види продуктів, навчитися розрізняти здорове та нездорове харчування;

озвивати навички роботи в команді;

розвивати навички аудіювання,читання,письма,  пам'ять, логічне мислення учнів та ерудицію;

виховувати толерантність, комунікативну манеру поведінки, цілеспрямованість, волю до перемоги.

виховувати  навички культури та гігієни правильного харчування, бережливого ставлення до свого здоров’я, формувати мотиваційну установку на вживання корисної їжі.

Обладнання: презентація в Power point,роздатковий матеріал з завданнями, мультимедійний комплекс,  відеозаписи, рольові костюми, посуд та продукти, плакат та малюнки,грамоти.

Хід заходу

Ведучий1: Hello, dear friends! Today we  speak about healthy lifestyle. All agree that one of the most important things to stay healthy is to eat healthy food. Today we ‘ll see what healthy food is and try to cook  and taste it! Let’s begin.

What is healthy food?

We eat apples,bananas, cakes, sandwiches,salad and meat. We drink milk or juice.

All this is food. Food helps our body to grow. Food keeps us healthy.

To be healthy you must eat right food in right amounts.

Food gives us energy to think, play and work.

Your diet should have all kinds of good food.

 Healthy food has a high number of vitamins and minerals. We must eat vegetables and fruits in a large amount . We must also drink milk daily

Unhealthy food is junk food like burgers, pizza or chips. 

This food is harmful to our body because we get lazy and inactive.

Eat healthy food and you become strong and clever!

Ведучий2: Let’s divide  into 4 groups. Al groups will have tasks and at the end our jury will decide which group is the winner.

Competition 1

Ведучий1: There are so many delicious dishes. Do you know any of them? On the sheets of paper write the names  only  of healthy foods and drinks. Then the teams name the foods .The team that finishes last is the winner.

Competition 2.

Ведучий2: Make the recipe out of the sentences and prove if this dish is healthy or not.

Gather the ingredients.

Cook the pasta according to the package directions.

Drain and rinse with cold water. Drain well.

If you don't like raw vegetables in your pasta salad, you can very lightly steam the broccoli and the cauliflower first.

In a large salad bowl, combine the cooked pasta with the broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, and onion.

Toss with the dressing, then cover and chill for 4 hours.


Ведучий1: Now you are a bit tired! Let’s have a break!

Competition 3.

Ведучий2: Do the quiz and count your score! How many points do you have?


Competition 4

Ведучий1: And now is the most interesting part – cooking real food!

Let  me introduce our chefs!     They are      


Let  me introduce the jury! 


Who are your helpers?

Ведучий 2: Now 1 2 3 let’s begin! And you can watch a very interesting film about healthy food!

Ведучий1: Time is out! Bring your dishes to the jury!  And tell everyone about them!

Chef 1:  My salad is called                         It has green salad, sweet pepper, carrot, tomatoes and sausage.

…………We think it is healthy because it has many vegetables!

……….And it’s very tasty!

Chef 2:  My dish is called                                     It has pita (lavash), green leaves                     , tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, guacamole and meat.

………….People cannot live without meat it give strength!

…………..Also it has many vegetables with many vitamins!

…………….. guacamole( гвакамолі) is a sause with avocadoes that have very many vitamins and minerals.

……………Our dish is healthy and delicious!

Chef 3:  My dish is called                                     It has broccoli, cranberries, nuts, lemon juice, onions, pepper, oil.

……….All these ingredients are full of vitamins.

…………………Our salad is the best!


Ведучий 2: Thank you very much! Now , the jury, what do you think?

Використані джерела:








 святкового ранку  для учнів 3-5 класів

Thanksgiving Day

Мета : ознайомлення з країнознавчим матеріалом;узагальнення знань з тем «Сімя», «Тварини», «Свята» «Їжа», «Пори року»,набуття мовленнєвих навичок(розвиток діалогічного та монологічного мовлення,навичок аудіювання), збагачення словникового запасу;

розвиток творчих здібностей;

підвищення мотивації вивчення мови;

виховання почуття поваги до рідних.

Обладнання: мультимедійний комплекс,костюми,квіти,реквізит,святкові прикраси для зали,пригощення.  

Хід заходу.

Вступне слово вчителя.


Ведучий 1 : Today is Thanksgiving Day. It is American national holiday. It is very famous and popular.

Ведучий 2 :  To begin with we would lije to tell you a few words from the history of this holiday.

Учень 1: In 1620 on the 22 nd of December the ship named the Mayflower brought 102 Englishmen to the coast of that is now known as Massachusetts, one of the fifty states in the USA.

Учень 2:The passengers were the Puritans, members of unpopular religious group in Britain because they wanted to reform the church of Britain.

Виходять учні в костюмах Пілігрімів.

Пілігрім 1 : We are Puritans. We became Pilgrims because we were travelling in search of religious freedom.

Пілігрім 2 : We came to America, a new land for us. Here we met Indians,native Americans.

Пілігрім 3 :We founded the colony Plymouth. The first winter was very cold and severe.

Indians helped us.

Пілігрім 4 : They showed us how to hunt, fish and plant crops. Thanks to the help of Indians the Pilgrims gathered good harvest next year.

Пілігрім 1 : In October 1621 they had a three-day feastof deer?fish and wild turkeyand invited Indians to it.

Виходять учні в костюмах індійців.

Індієь1: The first Thanksgiving Day was a great success! The Indians taught the Pilgrims to hunt wild turkey, a bird the Pilgrims never saw before.

A turkey is a funny bird,

His head goes wobble,wobble.

He knows just one funny word-

Gobble, gobble, gobble.

Індієь 2:Later President Lincoln established it as a national holiday.

Індієь1:Now every year all families with friends gather on the fourth Thursday of November and have a feast and give thanks.

Діти і актори виконують пісню ”Home on the range”.



Ведучий 1 : Thank you very much for such interesting information.

Ведучий 1 : Now we are going to have some interesting activities.

Game 1.

Bird, Beast or Fish

All players face the leading player. The leading player points to a player and says “Bird”, “Fish”, “Beast” and the player should name an animal from this category very quickly until all count to ten. The words mustn’t be repeated. The game finishes when all except the winner are out.

Catch the turkey

Children make a circle holding their hands up. “A turkey”or “turkeys”  move freely inside and outside the circle. All say the rhyme:

Hooray! Hooray!

Thanksgiving Day!

Turkey, turkey, run away!

We are cooking soup today!

At the end of the rhyme children put their hands down and catch “turkeys”.

Thanksgiving Memory Game.

Children are in the circle. The first player says the phrase: “At Thanksgiving dinner I ate a turkey.”The next player should repeat the phrase and add one more dish and so on. If a player is mistaken he is out.


The children are divided into 2 fishermen and 8-10 fish. The fishermen hold the net( a kerchief or cloth) and hold it up. “The fish” “swim” under the net.

All players say : Fish is tasty,

                            Fish is fat,

                            Fish is here

                            In my net.

At the end of the rhyme fishermen catch the fish.

Turkey Hunt

In the classroom the pictures with turkeys are hidden. Children are divided into two teams and go to hunt the turkeys. The hunt should be in the silence in order not to surprise the turkeys.Th team that gathered more pictures wins.

Діти співають пісню

“I eat turkey”

I eat turkey ( point to self)

I eat turkey ( point to self)

Yes, I do (nod head)

Yes, I do (nod head)

Turkey in my tummy (rub tummy)

Yummy, yummy, yummy (rub tummy)

Good for me (point to self)

Good for you (point to self)


Ведучий 2 : Our holiday comes to the end Thank you, all!Let’s say the word of the poem to finish our party.

Thank you, God, for  the world so sweet!

Thank you God for the food eat!

Thank you God for the birds that sing!

Thank You God for everything!

Ведучий 2 : We welcome you to our feast!

Використані ресурси:



Сценарій вікторини з англійської мови у 5 класі з теми"Cinematography"


 -актуалізація вивченого матеріалу з теми "Cinematography";

-тренування навичок діалогічного та монологічного мовлення;

-розвиток зацікавленості учнів англійською мовою.


-          Коло зі стрілкою,що обертається,поверхня якого розділена на сектори,які мають певну кількість балів,сектори +, приз;

-          Картки з літерами;

-          Призи;

-          Музичне оформлення.

-          Діти в костюмах персонажів з фільмів,мультфільмів;

Хід гри.

Організаційний момент.

(Звучить музика - позивні гри)

Ведучий: Hello boys and girls! We're glad to meet you at our funny show-game "The Field of Wonders"! The theme of our game is "Cinematography"

As you know, The movies are an art of our time.


 1895 became the year when the cinema was born.


After the brothers Lumier had invented the cinematography, the cinema widely spread all over the world.


The first movie theatres appeared in 1904.


The movies are a powerful force in modern life.


Cinema is also used for educational purposes. Video classes are useful when studying geography, foreign languages and many other subjects.


Nowadays people can’t just imagine their life without the art of cinema.


Now listen to the rules of the game!

You should turn the circle and get points. If your sector is "plus", you can open any letter in the world you like. If your sector is "prize" you can either take the prize or continue the game.

You have to name the letters and try to guess the word.

The winner is the pupil who will guess the whole word.

So let's start!

First round.

Ведучий: Now let's greet the first three players.   All of them came to us from different movies,cartoons.Please,introduce yourselves.

Pupil 1:

Pupil 2:

Pupil 3:

Ведучий: Look at the board and listen to the task.

The first film was showed in 1895 in France and was dedicated to this vehicle.

What is it?(train)

Учасники називають літери, помічник ведучого відкриває їх на дошці.

Ведущий: Well, the film was called “Arrival of a Train” by Brothers Lumière.We have the first winner today. Her/his name is::.. Let's applaud her (him). How clever you are! Get the presents for your game! Thanks a lot. You may take your seats.

Music break.

Ведучий: Now we are going to have a music break.

Second round.

Ведучий: With pleasure I invite the players for the second round of our game. Listen to the questions and look at the board.

What country has the biggest cinema production? It releases more than 800 films a year.(India)

Учасники називають літери, помічник ведучого відкриває їх на дошці.

Ведучий: Brilliant! Our second winner is:..! Congratulations. These presents are for you.

Third round.

Ведущий: The third round has come . Are you ready? Listen!

Where is the largest movie theatre in the world?( New York)

Учасники називають літери, помічник ведучого відкриває їх на дошці.

Ведучий: That's correct! The largest movie theater in the world, Radio City Music Hall in New York, opened in 1932 – it seats nearly 6,000 people.

These beautiful souvenirs are yours! Let's welcome the third finalist of our game. She (he) is::!

Music break. Leader: Now we are going to listen to a song.


Ведущий: Let's invite the three winners to play the fourth and the last part of our game today! Give them a round of applause! This is the most exciting moment! we are going to find out who is the most intelligent student. Look at the blackboard and listen!

What is the most popular award for artistic and technical merit in the film industry? (Oscar)

So our absolute champion is::.! You have :. Points. This is a present for you according to the number of your points. They are yours. Would you like to play a super game and get this great prize?

(помощник ведущего выносит приз, предназначенный для победителя в супер-игре).

Super game.

Which of the movies was the Most Expensive Films ever made?


You may open 3 letters.


(Pirates of the Caribbean)

You are the absolute champion today! Here your prize!

Використані джерела:






 святкового ранку  для учнів 2 класу

Mother is the Dearest”.

Мета : узагальнення знань з тем «Сімя», «Школа» «Тварини», «Кольори», «Пори року»,набуття мовленнєвих навичок(розвиток діалогічного та монологічного мовлення,навичок аудіювання), збагачення словникового запасу;

розвиток творчих здібностей;

підвищення мотивації вивчення мови;

виховання почуття поваги до рідних.

Обладнання: мультимедійний комплекс,костюми,квіти,реквізит,святкові прикраси для зали.   

Хід заходу.

Ведучий 1 : Одного дня маленький хлопчик з казкової країни  не знав,що подарувати своїй мамі,яку він дуже любив.

Boy: I am a little boy .  It’ s  Mother’s day soon and I don’t have a present for my mother.What shall I do? Oh, I have an idea. I will go to many places in my beautiful land and ask my friends to help.

Ведучий 2 :  Xлопчик довго йшов  і перше,що він побачив була школа.

Діти –школярі виконують пісню. «Every day I go to school…”


Boy: Who are you?

Pupil 1:We are pupils.  And who are you?

Boy: I am a little boy. It’ s Mother’s day soon and I don’t have a present for my mother.Can you help me?

Pupil 2:We ‘ll give you a record book with 12s. Your mother will be happy.

Boy: And grandmother too. Thank  you very much. Good bye!

This is a good present but very small and not beautiful. I will find something else.

Ведучий 2 :  І маленький хлопчик пішов далі. На його дорозі зустрівся чудовий різнокольоровий лук,де він  побачив незвичайних створінь.

Виходять дівчатка в костюмах єдинорогів.

Boy: Hello. Who are you?

Unicorn 1:We are wonderful unicorns. Listen to our song.


Дівчатка-єдинороги виконують пісню і танок“I can sing a rainbow.

Дівчинка –єдиноріг 1: I wish I was a unicorn with flowers in my hair

Дівчинка –єдиноріг2:  I’d dance around the forest spresding music everywhere

Дівчинка –єдиноріг 3:Happiness,joy and music would be around me in the air

Дівчинка -єдиноріг 4: I wish I was a unicorn with flowers in my hair

Unicorn 2: Who are you?

Boy: I am a little boy. It’ s Mother’s day soon and I don’t have a present for my mother.Can you help me?

Unicorn 3: Yes. We’ll give you this rainbow. It’s so nice and magic.

Boy: Thank  you very much. Good bye!

This is a good present but I want something else.


Ведучий 1 : Дорога   була довга і привела хлопчика в справжні джунглі.

Boy: Oh, these  are wild jungles. I will sit and watch.

Виходять діти в масках тварин та виконують пісню з рухами “Walking through the Jungle”.


Boy: Dear animals! I am looking for the present for my mother.

Animal 1: I will give you a coconut.

Animal 2: This is an apple for you.

Animal 3: I will give you a mango.

Animal 4: This is a banana for you.

Boy:I have so many things. But what a holiday without flowers!

Let me see . This is a very beautiful  place!

Виходять учні в костюмах квітів та виконують пісню «I like the flowers”


Rose: I am a rose.

Roses in the winter time

Roses in the fall

The roses in my garden

Are the nicest of all

Here’s a beautiful flower for you.

Daffodil: I am a daffodil.

Yellow, yellow daffodil, dancing in the sun.
Oh yellow, yellow daffodil, you tell me spring has come.
I can hear a blue bird sing, and hear a robin call.
But yellow, yellow daffodil, I love you most of all.


Here’s a beautiful flower for you.


Tulip:I am a tulip.

A lot of spring tulips

And sunny warm weather

And singing and laying come together

Here’s a beautiful flower for you.


I’m a little daisy, tall and slim
Here are my petals
Here is my stem
When the sun comes up
And the rain comes down
I grow, grow, grow- up from the ground!

Here’s a beautiful flower for you.

Ведучий 1 : Xлопчик був щасливий. Був чaс вирушати додому.  І майже біля самого дому він зустрівся з дуже незвичайною сімєю. Please,meet the Finger Family.

Під пісню Finger Family вибігають учні в різних ролях, представляючи пап,мам,братів,сестер та немовлят.


Pupil 1:Hello,dear boy , we know you are looking for the present for your mother.

Pupil2:We want to help you and to present your mother and all mothers  these wonderful words.

Winds of March ,We welcome you

There’s work for you to do

Work and play and blow all day

Blow the winter cold away.


I love the spring

For every day

There’s something new

That’s come to stay.



Another bud

Another bird

Another blade

The sun has stirred.

          My dear mummy, dear mummy

            Let me kiss your face

I want you to be happy

Today and always.


One one one

I love the sun

Two  two  two

I love my mummy too

Thee  three  three

My mummy loves me.


My dear dear Mummy

I love you so much

I want you to be happy

And love your gently touch


My dear dear Mummy

I love you so much

I want you to be happy

On the 8 th of March


I like the way you look

I like the way you cook

Now I want to say

Happy Mother’s day!


My grandma’s hands can heal my hurt

With love without end

And I’m blessed as long she lives

Cause grandma is my friend

That is your mother

I agree she is fine

You love your mother

 And I love mine


Хором всі учні: We love our mothers.


Використані джерела:










 Позакласний захід в 4 класі

на тему:





Активізувати і розширити знання історії, культури, традицій країни мови яку вивчаємо;

озвивати навички роботи в команді

розвивати навички аудіювання,читання,письма,  пам'ять, логічне мислення учнів та ерудицію;

виховувати толерантність, комунікативну манеру поведінки, цілеспрямованість, волю до перемоги.

виховувати  любов до мови, звичаїв, художнього слова та інтерес до володіння англійською мовою на високому рівні.


Обладнання: презентація в Power point(питання,відповіді та ілюстрації),відеозаписи пісень,костюми та атрибути клоунів,силачів,музичний супровід,прапорці, плакати, кульки.




























Хід заходу.


Ведучий 1: Dear boys and girls! Dear guests!

Ведучий 2: We are glad to see you here.

Ведучий 3:But today we shall see how clever our students are. 

Our quiz starts!

We invite the teams!

Ведучий 1: Team No. 1…

Ведучий 2: Team No.2…

Ведучий 3:Let  me introduce our jury…

And our teacher will help with the questions.



Listen to the question. You can think for one minute. If you are ready to answer,  raise the signal flag.

If the answer is not correct, the other team gets the possibility to answer. The game will be finished when one team gets    10  points.

Questions :

Ø Where does the president of the United States of America live?

Картинки по запросу the white house

Ø What is the most popular sport in the world?

Ø Football

Ø How many hours are there in seven days?

Ø 168

Ø What type of metal makes the strongest magnets?

Ø Iron

Ø Who was the first American President?

Ø George Washington

Ведучий 1: Our teams are tired. This is time for a short break. Let’s welcome circus Joy.

Виступи силачів та клоунів.                                                  

Ø Which of the following creatures is not a reptile:

turtle, spider, lizard?


Ø What is the next number in the following sequence:

7, 14, 21, 28, ?


Ø Can you place the following words in alphabetical order:

Nice, Naughty, Nasty, Noble?

Nasty Naughty Nice Noble


Ø In the fairytale of Cinderella, what does Cinderella leave behind at the ball?

A glass slipper

Ведучий 2: Our children study not only English but  other languages too.

Listen to (poems in French and Polish)

Ø Which country does parmesan cheese come from?


Ø True or false: There are 22 letters in the English alphabet?

False: There are 26 letters in the English alphabet

         How many angles does a triangle have?


Ø Which famous children's book features two characters named Tweedledum and Tweedledee?

Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There

Ведучий 3: Our girls                          are talented dancers , Their dance is called        


Ведучий 1: Our quiz has come to the end. Thank you everybody. The winner is team …..This song is for the winner.

Фінальна пісня.




- Виховна: виховання моральних якостей учнів на прикладі особистостей та вчинків героїв мультиплікаційних та художніх фільмів Уолта Диснея: доброти, милосердя, сміливості, працелюбства, цілеспрямованості, поваги, честності,відповідальності та ін.;


- розвиваюча: розвивати допитливість, мотивацію до подальшого вивчення англійської мови;


- практична: ознайомити дітей з шедеврами світового мультиплікаційного кіно, вдосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення, розвиток артистичних здібностей.



Форма проведення заходу: свято-концерт для учнів 2-4 классов (в рамках недели



Walt Disney World!



Good morning (afternoon), pupils and guests! Today we are going to visit Magic Disney World. Have a good time!


(на сцену виходять ведучі)


Сompere1: l think you know the name of Walt Disney. To many people in our century his name means the world of cartoons. Disney has created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous, and not only in America. СЛАЙД 1

Сompere2: Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. Then his family left that city in the North of America for a place in the South. When Walt Disney grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons, and one day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. СЛАЙД 2

Сompere1: He told his wife, Lillian, about this. He saw this mouse character as a funny friendly little thing, who could speak, dance and sing and who, in fact, could live like a man. "That's a good idea," Lillian said. "Call him Mickey". СЛАЙД 3

Сompere2: So that is what Disney called him. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the screen for the first time. Mickey became very popular and Soon Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse were famous stars. СЛАЙД 4

На сцені-  Міки Маус.

Mickey Mouse: Hi! I'm Mickey. I am a funny friendly little thing, who can speak, dance and sing and who can live like a man. I am very popular all over the world. And I can't live without my girlfriend, Minnie Mouse.

Виходе Міні Маус.

Minnie Mouse: Hello! I'm Minnie. I'm sweet-natured and fun-loving. My favourite hobbies are dancing, gardening, shopping, music, fashion and spending time with Mickey. (обращается к Микки)

Mickey Mouse:

I'd love to marry you

In front of Cinderella's castle

Because my love is true

This would be no hassle

Yes you have big ears

But you have the most beautiful smile

I've loved you for many years

My dearest Minnie Mouse, marry me! (стоя на одном колене дарит цветы и колечко)


Сompere1: Then came other characters: Donald Duck, Pluto, and many, many more. Some of them are bright, some are not, but all of them are usually kind and friendly. Let's look at some of  Disney's characters. СЛАЙД 5



Сompere1: Disney's main characters are always clever. Disney  created a special animal world full of optimism and success.


Сompere2: People and animals live together in Disney world. The book of jungle is oe of the most beloved cartoons.


Mowgli appears.


Mowgli: Hello! I am Mowgli. I live in the jungle. It’s very dangerous.  Listen to our song and dance with us.


Mowgli and animals sing a song “Walking through the jungle”.  The audience repeats the movements of the actors.



Compere2: Walt Disney Company created a lot of movies. They are well Known and loved by children and parents. Meet one of the most interesting heroes-Jack the Sparrow.


Jack the Sparrow appears. Dance.


Disney's stories end happily. All his films are easy and nice to watch. The audience always feels comfortable and enjoys his cartoons very much.



Compere2: Walt Disney created a lot of princesses. They are Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Rapunzel and others. All girls over the world like them and dream to be a princess.

Princesses appear.



Fairy Godmother: Come, come Princesses! It's time for the ball!


Ariel: Oh, I love a good princess ball!


Snow White: How does my hair look?


Fairy Godmother: You look like a real princess. Don't worry!


Cinderella: Do you like my new crystal slippers?


Everyone: Umm

Ariel: Where did you buy them?


Cinderella: My dearest prince gave them me for my birthday.


Snow White: Where is Jasmine?


Jasmine: Hi! I'm here.


Princess: You look awesome.


Pocahontas: Children, do you know who was the first princess created by Disney.


Children: It was Snow White.


Princess: Let’ see this beautiful fairy –tale.


Snow White fairy-tale.       


Сompere1: Disney's stories end happily. Our party comes to the end. Let’ finish it with the most beautiful modern princess- Elsa.


Elsa’song and dance.


The Snow White and seven dwarfs”.


Queen: Oh, my magic mirror. I'm very lovely, I'm very nice. Look at my hair, Look at my eyes.

Mirror: Yes, you are very lovely, yes, you are very nice. But the most beautiful is Snow White.

Queen: Snow White? Huntsman

Eger: Yes, your Majesty.

Queen: Take Snow White into the forest. Kill her and bring me back her heart!

Eger: I can't!

Queen: You must do it!

Eger: I shall do as you say

Snow White What a wonderful day we are having today!

Spring is coming!

Spring is coming!

Trees are green.

Trees are green.

Happy birds are singing:

Happy birds are singing:

Cheep - cheep - cheep!


Eger: The Queen ordered me to kill you.

Snow White: Oh, no!

Eger: But, I can't! Run away from here!

Snow White: But where?

Eger: Anywhere! Just run!

Snow White: All right! Good bye, dear Huntsman!

Eger: Good bye!

Snow White: How do you do! Who are you?

A mouse: I am a mouse.

Snow White: And I am Snow White.

Animals: Snow White?

Snow White: I am alone, I have no home. Tell me where to go?

Animals: We'll show you a nice little cottage. Don't cry, Snow White!

Snow White: My d

ear friend, thank you!

Animals: Good bye, Snow White!

Snow White: Good bye!

Dwarfs dance.

Dwarf: Who are you? You are so nice!

 Snow White:  I am Snow White. And who are you?

Dwarf: How do you do? My name is Doc. I like to sing and to talk. I like to count, read and write.  I am always right.

Dwarf: How do you do? My name is Grumpy. I am very sad. I am not gay. I don’t like to sing and dance. I don’t like to play.

 Dwarf: Hi, friends! My name is Happy. I am very very glad. I am merry, I like to laugh. I am never sad.

Dwarf: Hello! I am Sneezy. Every breeze makes me sneeze. I always sneeze.

Dwarf:I am Sleepy. I yawn and yawn from morning till night and then I sleep at night.

Dwarf: I am Bashful. I am very very shy.

Dwarf: This is Dopey. He don’t talk none.He is a silent one.

Dwarf: Please, stay with us!

Snow White: All right!

Dwarfs: Hurray, hurray!

Dwarf:Brothers, look at the clock: it's time to go to work!

Dwarfs go away.

Snow White: Good bye, brothers!

Dwarfs: Good bye, Snow White!

Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

Mirror: It was always you. That's right! But now it is Snow White.

Queen: You are lying! Snow White is dead!

Mirror: To the seven dwarfs' cottage she's fled.

Queen: But her heart is here!

Mirror:  No, it's the heart of a deer.

Queen: What shall I do? I must look through the Magic book. The apple!

Snow White:  Oh! Who are you? 

Queen:  I am a poor old woman. And I'm very thirsty. Please give me some water!


 Snow White: Here you are!


Queen: Thank you!

Snow White:

You are welcome!

Queen: Take the apple.

Snow White: Oh, thank you!

Queen: Good bye!

Snow White: See you later! Ah!

Queen: Ha-ha-ha!

 Dwarfs: Snow White, what's the matter?

Dwarf: She is dead!


Dwarfs:We can't believe it! Ah-ah-ah!


Prince: Dwarfs, How do you do!


Dwarfs: How do you do!


Prince: Why are you so sad?


Dwarfs: Snow White is dead.

Prince: She is so beautiful! I'd like to give her a kiss!

Dwarfs: Yes, Prince, do it, please!

Snow White: Oh, my Prince!

Dwarfs: Hurray, hurray! Snow White is alive again!

Prince: Dear Snow White, please be my Princess!

Snow White: I'm so happy! All right! My answer is "Yes"!

Brothers, good bye!

Dwarfs: Good bye, dear Snow White! Be always happy!        




A sign of beauty

A symbol of grace

Its pride runs strong

At a very fast pace

It’s wild like a wolf

It’s gentle like a breeze

It has a burning honor

It’s not eager to please

It is loved worldwide

But don’t be fooled by its pose

It holds dark secrets

Beware of crimson rose.



«We Love Ukraine»

Мета уроку – концерту:


Навчальна: збагатити активний і пасивний словник учнів новою лексикою.

Вправляти у вмінні декламувати вірші та співати пісні на англійській та українській мовах.

Розвиваюча: розвивати бажання виступати перед аудиторією,  пам'ять учнів та ерудицію.

Виховна: виховувати  любов до рідного краю, мови, звичаїв, художнього слова та інтерес до володіння англійською мовою на високому рівні.

Обладнання: магнітофон з записами пісень, костюми, вишиті    

                       рушники, плакати, кульки.


Звучить запис пісні « При долині кущ калини ».

( Протягом усього уроку – концерту проходить презентація про Україну).


Учень .

Де зелені хмари яворів

Зупинили неба синій став,

На стежині сонце я зустрів,

Привітав його і запитав.


Учень .

Всі народи бачиш ти з висот,

Всі долини і гірські шпилі.

Де ж найбільший на землі народ?

Де найкраще місце на землі?


Учень .

Сонце усміхнулося здаля:

- Правда, все я бачу з висоти,

Всі народи рівні, а земля

Там найкраща, де вродився ти!


Викладач:- Шановні друзі! Запрошуємо Вас у чарівну країну пізнання іноземної мови, музики, мистецтва та рідного краю. Девізом нашого незвичайного уроку будуть слова відомого українського поета Т.Г. Шевченка « The strange study and do not forget your » на англійській мові, а в перекладі на рідну – « Чужого навчайтесь і свого не цурайтесь». Бо чужа мова робить людину розумною, а рідна – мудрою. Тож будьте завжди і розумні, і мудрі.

 А зараз я хочу познайомити Вас  з головними героями нашого дійства: Mr. Low,  Miss Ukraine, Mr. Tower,  Miss Frendship.

Вони пропонують Вашій увазі легенду про те, як Бог дарував таланти народам світу. Сподіваємось, що ви все зрозумієте і в кінці свята назвете , який талант отримала Україна.



Five thousand millions live on Earth.

Why not? There’s room to spare.

And our views on this or that

Are different here and there.



But we are all for honest work,

We love the same blue sky

In Cincinnati, Kyiv and New York

So keep our friendship high.


Miss Friendship

Friendship is a thing for two,

Three or four, even more.

Like a song that’s made to sing

Friendship is a doing thing.


Miss Ukraine

My land is so beautiful and free,

Ukraine, Ukraine,

The dearest land a man can see!

When down the Dnieper I go boating


And birds are flying high above.

I hear a song, and it is flowing

To those green trees, the land I love.


Пісня « Мій рідний край »


Mr. Law

All Ukrainians know the legend

How God presented the peoples with

Gifts and gave Ukraine a song.


Miss Friendship

Frenchmen have chosen beauty and elegance,

German - order and discipline,

Russians - power, Poles - the ability to trade,

Italians - talent for music.


Mr. Law

Having given presents to all,

God saw a beautiful girl in an

Embroidered shirt and in a guilder - rose wreath

- Who are you? Why are you crying?


Miss Ukraine

I’m Ukraine, and I’m crying

because my land is suffering from blood and fire,

slavery and injustice.


Mr. Law

Why haven’t you come earlier?

I’ve already given all talents.

How can I help you?

- O.K. I’ll give you an immortal treasure -

Which will make you famous all over the world.


Miss Ukraine

Thanks a lot, dear Lord.

I’ll bring this song and spread it among all Ukrainians.


Пісня  на англійській мові «Ukraine».


Mr. Towel

Hello, dear friends, guests!

Ukraine is famous not only for its songs,

But also for hard—working,

For cherishing and preserving many customs

And traditions. Look at me!

I’m an essential part of every day

Life and ceremonial occasions. I mark

The celebration of engagement, marriage,

Birth, death, Christmas, Easter.

In ancient times a house without a towel was compared with a family without children,

A towel symbolizes unity, peace in the family, hospitality, and respect among people.

Today we’d like to present our guests with Ukrainian embroidered towels. May they remind you about Ukraine, Kyiv and our school.


Пісня «Рушничок».


Учень .

На світі білому єдине,

Як і Дніпрова течія

Домашнє вогнище родинне,

Оселя наша і сім'я.


Учень .

В щасливі і в тяжкі години -

Куди б нам не стелився шлях -

Не гасне вогнище родинне,

В людських запалене серцях.


Пісня на англійській мові  «The CossacksMarch».


Учень .

Люблю я край наш дорогий,

Що зветься Україна.

Вітчизні хочу я своїй

Зрости достойним сином.


Учень .

Уже зоря нової ери сяє

І таємничо манить і зове!

Старе так важко відмирає

Та в муках родиться нове!

Ще розумом збагнуть не в змозі -

Душею вже рвемось в політ,

Вже стоїмо реально на порозі -

Дверей відкритих в Новий світ!

Музична композиція з кінофільму « Титанік».

Учень .

            При всем при том,

При всем при том,

Могу вам предсказать я,

Что будет день,

Когда кругом все люди станут братья!

Учень .

Молись же всяк, щоб стало так -

А йдеться вже до того! -

Щоб ум і честь, де тільки єсть,

Пробили скрізь дорогу.

Учень .

It’s coming get for that

That man to man the world over

Will brothers be for a that.

Then let us pray that come it may

That Sense and Worth over the Earth

Will bear the first place on that.

Пісня « Одна калина ».

Викладач : - Ось і підходить до завершення наш концерт. Надіюсь Вам сподобалося і ви     зрозуміли, що вивчення англійської мови приносить задоволення. А зараз , я хочу дізнатися, чи зрозуміли Ви, який талант отримала Україна?

Так – це пісня, мелодія і доброта. Тож хочу Вам побажати « The song in your soul,  the ringinin  your heart  and the strong love to your Matherland». « Пісні в душі, мелодії в серці і сильної любові до рідної землі».

А зараз запрошую всіх учасників концерту на сцену і давайте ще раз їм поаплодуємо.

( Звучить пісня « Мій рідний край » і учасники виходять на сцену).


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  Dear students!  We begin new school year 2022-2023! I wish everybody master new skills and get knowledge! And pray for our victory!