четвер, 21 травня 2020 р.

2 Form PACE WORK 22.05.20

2 Form PACE WORK 22.05.20
Тема: Особливості вимови букви Ww
При вимові звука w витягуємо губи і складаємо їх кружечком.

 Read : Прочитай:
Web    wag   water   window    winter  wet    wonder

Згадаємо, що дві літери wh читаються як один звук w
Read : Прочитай:
Why  where  when  what  white

Повторимо питальні слова. Вивчи напамять
Why  -чому
where  -де,куди
when  -коли

Read : Прочитай:

“Where, where, where?
Where do you go on holiday?
What, what , what ?
What can you do there?”
Read : Прочитай:
Write out the words with the w sound.Випиши слова зі звуком w.

There was a sunny day. The weather was wonderful. The wind wasn’t blowing.  The trees were white. The wolf was walking in the forest.

1.        Фіз-хвилинка
Look at me, repeat the moves and words after me:
“Up and down
Up and down
Which is the way to London town?
Where ,Where?
Up in the air?
Close your eyes and you are there!”

2.        Активізація навичок читання.

a)  Pre-reading - Let’s translate some words.
b) While-reading  - Now, read after me.
There was a sunny day. The weather was wonderful. The wind wasn’t blowing. The snow was falling.  The trees were white. The wolf was walking in the forest.

Well done!

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  Dear students!  We begin new school year 2022-2023! I wish everybody master new skills and get knowledge! And pray for our victory!